Operations Based Controls
Assessment |
Leveraging our world-wide industry
operations experience and expertise with controls
assessment, we directly support management in monitoring in
assessing the ongoing operating risks to the business.
Whether generation, transmission, or distribution
operations, we focus on assessing operating risk across
seven topics. |
personnel accomplish
operating controls and compliance
assessments by:
Reviewing key control
(strategies, policies, processes, procedures, work
flows, and enabling technologies)
Interviewing management
personnel to gain
an understanding of the competency, maturity and
business acumen of the management team
Directly observing key
meetings, field
and control room/dispatch operations and
maintenance/work activities
Performing analysis
of operations, maintenance, work control and outage
performance data
Acquiring direct knowledge
of asset condition and housekeeping
by performing in-depth plant/field walk downs
then evaluate and analyze current performance against
internal benchmark data as well as world-wide better
practices to build a comprehensive view across the
operating controls assessment experience includes
a variety of regulated and merchant power plants (CCGT, GT,
coal, and bio-fuel stations) in the US, Canada, United
Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, Netherlands, and Mexico
well as domestic and international transmission and
distribution companies.
Examples of recent operations
based compliance work include:
Risk based internal audit
planning –
Assisting management in developing risk based internal
audit plans. Our approach is to assess risk across the
enterprise (shared services, finance, nuclear and fossil
operations, energy trading, energy delivery, and
information technology). We have experience with PWC
TeamRisk along with the utilization of web based surveys
in developing risk based plans.
Coal, CT, CCGT, and biomass
power plant operations audits
–Performing operational
plant audits for a wide variety of merchant and
regulated plants in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Energy delivery operations audits
– Performing operational based compliance audits related
to line clearance, vegetation management, billing,
metering, and other federal, regional, state, and local
compliance requirement
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